Today the weather person predicts our first 100 degree day.! Actually, according to the temp sign on the local bank.....we hit it and how, yesterday. The sign read 113 degrees. Obviously a broken temp gauge but it was enough to scare me into action. I have a mile long list of "things to do before I leave". I am now working through it and quickly. There is much to take care of when you plan to be gone for nearly 5 months. fortunately I have hired a great couple to check on my place once a week and be sure all is well, water the plants, take in the mail, etc. They worked for me last summer with splendid results. Also my next door neighbor will be here through the summer and will keep an eye on things. Summer in Sun City West is very quiet. Lots of "snow birds" leave for home, others like me, travel to cooler climes. Most of the activities slow down or stop until we all begin returning in September.
I am sooooo very ready to get out of town. In RV circles they call it "hitch itch" and I've got it bad. This year I will be doing things a bit differently. I plan to head north, stopping in Sonoma, CA. to visit my granddaughter at her college, Sonoma State. Then on to Carson City, NV. to check in with my niece Tracy, Then a short hop to Nevada City, CA. to say hey to Shelley and Di. Then on to Sandy, Oregon to catch up with my cousins, Peni and Treva. From there I go north to Seattle to stay with my friend Marianne and attend a retirement lunch for Carla, an old work friend.
As of June 7th I check into the Fidalgo Bay RV park and plan to stay until Aug. In August I move to Oak Harbor to attend a high school class reunion. After that I will be traveling down the coast of Oregon and California and plan to be home mid to late September. I miss the Northwest so much and decided I needed a hit of water and trees, family and old friends this year. It will be interesting to see how it all sits with me. My traveling style has never been to stay long in one place but I will be able to take day and weekend trips from by base in Anacortes, Wa.
So,for now, back to my list.