I'm in Palm Springs this morning...getting ready to check out and head East on Hwy #10 to Home. I've had a wonderful Thanksgiving and Birthday. Dinner with Dan and extended family was great. Best turkey this year....and such good company. Last Thanksgiving for Katie in her teens. She turns 20 on Dec. 17th...hard to get that to register. Michael is 16 and getting taller everytime I see him. Wish that height had come in time for varsity basketball. He now plays volleyball and seems to enjoy it.
My huge birthday event was seeing Placido Domingo at the LA Opera. He was in Tamerlano. New opera to me...Haydn Didn't care much for it. Heard a countertenor for the first time....not impressed. Placido however, was wonderful. The exciting part was going backstage and meeting him. He couldn't have been more gracious and what a great picture I now have to remember him by. I'm still on Cloud #9!
Now it is home to plan my 2nd Annual Limewood Neighbors Christmas Party. Looking forward to that. Life is good!