I had a wonderful Christmas party for my Limewood Neighbors...Over 40 people. Lots of new friends and looking forward to more social opportunities in the New Year. I'm finally starting to feel at home here in Arizona. It has been a huge adjustment for me...leaving Washington and my work and my friends and contacts behind. I've re-thought that decision many times and with hindsight, I think I would have done things differently. But, it is done now and I have decided that given my options in retirement....AZ. is where I am going to stay. Soooo based on that I am committed to making a new life and building a social network with new and old friends and acquaintences. The Christmas party was a great beginning. People seemed so pleased to be there and I had many kind words and compliments on my house and yard. The best comment came from one of the older guys...he said "thanks for doing this Judy, you have energized us old farts"!!! Who could ask for higher praise. LOL The pictures are of the house before everyone arrived.....