I'm so frustrated. Dublin is a wonderful City, filled with great places to go and see. My problem is I can't find any of them! I want to meet the city planners that decided street signs were not neccesary. Great maps and no street signs! How is this possible?? I took the "Hop on Hop Off" tour and managed to visit several sites but on my own I must have walked 10 miles trying to find specific places on the map. When I asked directions from very friendly, lovely, local people, it got worse. "go to the end of the street and turn left and look for the spire and turn at the church and then go for a few blocks, etc., etc., etc." I was crazed. So I just gave up on intentionally finding anything and wandered. I got a kick out of finding the Bankers Pub....Irish Bankers are doing right! I have only had 3 pints of Guinness since arriving on Monday. It looks like drinking pints is all I'm doing...better stop taking pics of me drinking. Ha, Ha. By the Way, if any of you out there feel lost, Dublin has a Society for you....with a great building. I did end the day at the Guinness Brewery and visiting their Gravity Bar on the 7th floor. Great view.
Today I rest!