I'm back from my trip to Yuma to hook up with my high school friend Nila. Nila and I were a great song and dance team back in the day. We also were in the High School band and took some memorable trips with that band. She and I usually stayed together in various host homes and we always managed to "find the boys". For a while we both were chasing the same boy and she managed to catch him. At the time I was sooooo jealous but now I say, "you go girl". Anyway, Nila and I had a great catch up. We did a sleepover in Yuma, had a nice dinner and talked ourselves out until her husband Ron came to pick her up. We are looking forward to our High School reunion this coming August in Oak Harbor, WA.
After Nila left, I decided to do some exploring along the Colorado River. I ended up in Lake Havasu City. The big attraction is the London Bridge. Dismantled and brought over from, guess where?? It is a fine bridge but looks alittle out of place in the new location. But I guess it had been a good tourist site for the little town. So be it.
I drove home on Hiway 93 and traveled through some nice desert to Wickenburg. The trip was all new territory for me.....the best kind of trip. I'm starting to get "hitch itch" and am looking forward to my summer trip. This year I am leaving AZ the first week of May and heading to Washington. Can't wait to smell the salt water and enjoy the green.