I've been enjoying my time getting to know my way around Anacortes. Decent library, always a good sign for me. Went to the Farmers Market on Saturday. Mostly crafts..some nice flowers. The peonies were gorgeous. The gardens on most of the homes in Old Town are lovely. Spring in the Northwest is a sight to behold. I love the colors and abundance.
Today, Sunday, I went to the Religious Science church. Very small congregation but very friendly. Met a fellow from Tucson who is also staying in the RV park. I expect I'll be seeing him again.
I took a drive over the bridge to Deception Pass Park. I wanted to see the house that Charlie and I built in 1980. It looks great. Gave me some bittersweet moments remembering those times. I always have mixed feelings when I am on Whidbey. I spent some of the best days of my life there, both as a teenager and an adult. When Charlie, Danny and I moved to Oak Harbor in 1977, it was a good time for us. Dan attended the same high school I had....he graduated in 1980. I got to sing in the country band with Skip and Arnie, 3 years of magic time. Don't know when I have had more fun. Had my 20 year high school reunion in Oak Harbor in 1980. Now this August we are having our 49th year reunion....joining the classes of 1958 & 59. Time seems to fly these days. I am looking forward to seeing my classmates again. It will be interesting to hear about how people's lives have gone. 1960 was a lifetime ago....very different Universe then. Well, enough of this nostalgia...life is about today and my today's are pretty darn good. I have so much to be grateful for and God knows I am.