I left San Diego on Saturday, Sept. 19th intending to make the trip to Sun City West, AZ. in two days. As it turned out, I was enjoying the drive and just kept driving until I arrived home Sat. night at about 7PM. My Neighbor/Friend Janet came out to greet me with hugs and welcomes. Such a nice thing to come home to. My home was in good order. The couple that checked on it while I was gone did a great job and left me a record of their visits and finding. It is such a comfort to know my home is being visited weekly while I am traveling.
Sunday morning Janet helped my unload Ms. Capri and we did the job in record time. I was able to take Ms. Capri to the RV storage facility before noon. Last year it took me forever to unload. Thank you Janet. I sorted through the mail that had been collecting and found a letter from the IRS! They seem to think I owe an additional $600 for 2007. I'll be checking that out for sure.
I inspected the outside area and found that a critter(s) had dug a hole in the small dirt area between the house and the patio. Today, my Critter Guy came and left a critter loving mixture that will send the univites guest(s) to the great beyond. Tomorrow Gilbert, my yard keeper will be here to do clean up and dust busting in the AZ room. I dare not attempt to do it myself....dust and Asthma do not happily co-exist. The first of my heavy duty air purifiers was delivered and is cleaning away. Last night in the bedroom, today the living room. Dust be gone!!
Friends came by yesterday to welcome me home. It really feels good to be here. Monday it is back to the water aerobics with Janet. Then the search for a volunteer opportunity and to work on my landscaping projects and the laundry room redo. It is still hot (98-101) here but it is bearable and actually felt good to my bones and joints. It really is a dry heat!LOL
So the "home season" begins and life is looking good. I'll be checking in from time to time and planning next summer's travels. Until we meet again......