Slept late yesterday and decided to take a neighborhood walk in the after noon. The neighborhood is lovely mostly brick row houses, all with bright colored doors. Lots of flowers and a beautful Church. I was amazed to see a phone booth with an actual phone book lying there unattached. I haven't seen a phone book in a phone booth in years, and years. In my travels with my trailer, so many times I would stop at a phone booth to look up something in the phone book but they were always torn from their wire. So I truly was shocked to see that phone book lying there, unattached and unattended.
I continued my walk and was having a great time until I realized I didn't know how to get home. I consulted a very nice man sitting at a bus stop and was told I was several miles from where I began. By that time I did not feel up to walking all the way back so I took his advise and waited for the number 40 bus. It droped nearly to my door. Before calling it a night, I ducked into the pub across the street and had my first and only Guinness of the day and a dinner of boiled bacon and cabbage. Local favorite and quite good.