Sunday, March 25, 2012

New Knee in Place

I had my knee replacement surgery on March 6th. It is less than 3 weeks and I am doing so well it is hard to believe. All that anxiety I had in preparation for this surgery was unnecessary. It has been nothing like my hip joint replacement. I found a wonderful surgeon. (Dr. Audrey Tsao), and had a great experience at Boswell Hospital. My Physical therapy is going well, I am way ahead of expectations. My worst problem is doing too much because I feel so good....and then paying for it with pain and a swollen knee. I'm trying to pace myself and rest as much as is required but that is not easy for me.

I did buy the recumbant exercise bike and was able to start using it this past Friday. So far I have increased my time and distance every day and am now up to a 4 minute mile. Next week I move forward to out-patient Physical therapy and can go off the coumadin blood thinners and get rid of these awful compression stockings. Next big goal will be getting clearance to drive. That may take a few weeks since it is my braking leg that has the new I have to be off the narcotic pain killers.

Sandy has been a jewel of a helper although we are both surprised at how little help I actually need. But it is nice having her here and I think I have almost convinced her to relocate to AZ. Keeping my fingers crossed on that one....I'd love to have her living near.

I am writing up a storm on my autobiography. I attend a writing class one day a week and that keeps me motivated. I'm up to 18 years old going chronologically. Now I think I will just start writing about events as they come to me and then fit it all together when I am finished. It is sometimes difficult to have to go back and write about the hard times but it seems to be good therapy to write it all down. All in all, life is good.