Michael, Katie, Dan & Onay
Our Proud Graduate
Grandma & Katie
Brother & Sister
I had the great pleasure of spending Mothers Day weekend in Santa Rosa, CA. attending my granddaughter Katie Haven's graduation from College. She was one of the speakers so the Havens family got reserved seats. Katie was a Political Science major and has secured a job working in Virginia in the Senate campaign of Tim Kaine. She begins this new adventur in mid-June. What a great opportunity to be involved in politics "on the ground". I'm sure she will dazzle them in VA. and I hope this leads to something wonderful for her. It was so wonderful to be with the whole family all weekend. My son Dan and his wife Onay can be very proud of how they have raised two great kids, Katie and Michael. Michael just finished up his freshman year at Boise State College and was able to come to graduation.