I loved Show Low, AZ but the altitude created some breathing problems and a bit of vertigo for me. I stayed in the pool as much as possible....much softer landing when I fall over. I do love my water time.
Got Ms. Capri in good shape, checked out the area and finally decided it was time to go home. I was also motivated by an email invitation to the Obama AZ. Headquarters opening.
So off I went on Tuesday, Sept. 9th. Nice drive on Hiway 60. Got home about 7PM, unloaded the essentials and checked out the house. I'm pleased to say that all was in order. My house checkers did a great job of keeping things watered and cared for. So no unwanted surprises.
Yesterday I attended the Obama AZ event and signed up for phone and doorbelling work.
Met some lovely people who are all excited about the coming election and "our" candidates. I'm going to work on the "Seniors for OBAMA" project. I now have my bumper stickers, signage and a tee-shirt "Women for OBAMA). Only a couple months to get the job done so I'm getting busy!
Today I finished unpacking Ms. Capri, sorting through the tons of mail, mostly junk and getting cable TV, and telephone back in service plus some new faucets put in.
I already have a busy week. I meet with the Westernaires Chorus tomorrow to see about joining. We'll see if this used and abused voice can contribute anything. Also time to see my great hair guy, Vittorio for a cut and more highlights. I have never colored my hair before this summer and now I'm hooked. Still no gray but some white zingers showing up.
It is wonderful being back in my home bed and stretching out to full capacity. The Valley heat and air quality are still not very user friendly to me but it is what it is and I understand it won't start cooling down until October. So maybe next year I will be gone from mid-May to Oct. 1st. Northwest sound best to me so far. Much as I loved all I saw and experienced this summer, it was way too much driving and too hot and humid for me. I turned 6200 miles when I pulled in my driveway. Needless to say, I'm road weary and physically tired. We'll see how fast I snap back this year.
Pictures show a happy water "baby" in Show Low and plants all in bloom at my AZ home.