So, after obsessing over the weather channel and the local news reports, I decided to head home. I left Florida Thursday and have been driving all day, every day through wind, rain, thunder and lightning and am now in New Mexico. I wondered if I would ever get through Texas....that is one huge land mass. Along the way I met several families from the Gulf Coast who had left their homes and were hoping for the best with no idea what the future would bring. They had all been through the Katrina disaster in varying degrees and were not eager to repeat the experience. My heart went out to them.
I am exhausted and emotionally depleated but happy to be back in the West. Up until Fay started messing with my plans and my mind, my trip was wonderful. When things started falling apart I realized I am not made of the sturdy stock of the people of the Gulf Coast. I don't know how they manage the level of anxiety the news media and Mother Nature create.
So far my friend Sandy on the Florida panhandle looks to be out of the worst of it but until this Hurricane season is over, I will be resisting the urge to pack her up and move her to Arizona.
I'll be continuing my driving until I'm home and hibernating for a few day in my own safe home and bed. Join me in prayers for the safety of those going through this disaster.