I spend a great 27 hours with my old friend Shelley and her family, Di and Kit. Sadly my camera behaved badly and I have exactly ONE picture of this reunion. I hope Di's pictures will eventually fill in the gaps. Nevada City is an old California gold mining town that ooozes with charm and history. Shelley and Di have a lovely home high on a hill, surrounded by trees and a green vistas. I was able to park Ms. Capri in their driveway, complete with water and electric. Best RV spot I've had on this trip. Their little boy Kit is now 6+ years old and a joy. While I was visiting he signed up for soccer and got to wear his jersey and we kicked around his new soccer ball. Shelley & Di loaded me up with local wine and "Shelley baked" bread and coffee cake before I hit the road. It is so good to see good people living a happy life in a beautiful place.
I left Nevada City and drove west for about 3+ hours to Rohnert Park, CA. where Sonoma State University is located. I arrived about 7PM last night and got settled into the Wine Country RV Park. Today I am spending the day with my granddaughter Katie. She is in her first year at the University. What a great way to spend Mother's Day. Just sorry her Mom, Onay, can't join us.
P.S. first stop is camera battery central!!