I am experiencing a richness of friends and so far everyone wants me to move back to Washington. I talked to my son Dan today and he reminded me to beware of the siren song of summer in WA.. How true. This place is heaven when the sun is shining but oh the cold, gray gloom of winter. Washington does not have a "snowbird population....No, it is a "sunbird" group that flee the place in the winter. AZ and CA. are a gathering place for Washingtonians who no longer wish to exist in the grayness of winter. Rain in not the issue.....cloudy days without the sun is what has Seattleites looking longingly at rooftops and wondering if jumping could be an answer. I had a wonderful evening with a group of housing women who are loosely known as the "Old Girl's drinking Club". It was heaven to be back with my people and held in the glow of their spirits. They have known me for nearly 20 years and amazingly, they still like me!LOL I will be spending the summer up here, thinking about my choices, enjoying my friends and appreciating the fact that I have such freedom. God is good and life if full.