Wednesday, June 29, 2011

City Planning in Dublin

I'm so frustrated. Dublin is a wonderful City, filled with great places to go and see. My problem is I can't find any of them! I want to meet the city planners that decided street signs were not neccesary. Great maps and no street signs! How is this possible?? I took the "Hop on Hop Off" tour and managed to visit several sites but on my own I must have walked 10 miles trying to find specific places on the map. When I asked directions from very friendly, lovely, local people, it got worse. "go to the end of the street and turn left and look for the spire and turn at the church and then go for a few blocks, etc., etc., etc." I was crazed. So I just gave up on intentionally finding anything and wandered. I got a kick out of finding the Bankers Pub....Irish Bankers are doing right! I have only had 3 pints of Guinness since arriving on Monday. It looks like drinking pints is all I'm doing...better stop taking pics of me drinking. Ha, Ha. By the Way, if any of you out there feel lost, Dublin has a Society for you....with a great building. I did end the day at the Guinness Brewery and visiting their Gravity Bar on the 7th floor. Great view.
Today I rest!

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

On Irish Soil!

Finally, I arrived Monday morning and checked into my B&B. Very nice place, a bit farther from the Center City than I would prefer but worth it for the reasonable price. The first day was spent exploring the immediate neighborhood and sleeping. Today the B&B owner drove me to town to the Visitor's Center. I took the "Hop On Hop Off" bus tour to get my bearing. After that I walked and walked and walked to see as much as I could. Found a few Dublin Thrift Stores, and picked up my ready to "heat and eat" dinner for a couple of days. Marks and Spencer, big department store with a wonderful food court. So I'm set.
Took the local bus home and went to a neighborhood Pub, locally called
Gravediggers. The name comes from the location next door to an historic Cemetary. I had my first pint of Guiness and enjoyed talking with the locals. Such Fun.
Tomorrow I plan to go to the Botanical Gardens and the Cemetary...stay in my neighborhood.
Hope you enjoy the pics.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

June 25, I leave in the Morning

Well I'm packed and ready to go. I tried and tried to keep the packing light but the 50 pound limit pushed me into 2 checked bags. Fortunately, I'm traveling 1st and Biz Class and they are free. Thank you air miles! I have 2 carry ons. Now how I'm going to navigate all this through the airport and around Ireland, I'm not sure. I'm praying for curbside checkin. Taxi to the B&B, and helpful, strong men when I need them. When I am out and about in Ireland I will have a rental car so I can leave the heavy stuff in the car and just prepare a smaller, overnight type bag.
The heavy stuff is on wheels and the other ones have shoulder straps. So I shall become a pack mule from time to time. Good thing I have been doing weight lifting...I am strong!!
I'm feeling kind of numb actually. There has been so much to do to get ready to be gone so long.
There is a certain amount of anxiety that seems to go with this trip. It is my first big adventure since my heart stuff and although my cardiologist says go, go, go, I have some hesitance. I'll get over it once I'm seated in 1st Class on the plane and have a nice cool drink in my hand. So on we go, Ireland here I come!

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Countdown to Dublin

Today I am continuing my packing for the trip to Ireland. In AZ. we are having a high ozone and heat day...suppose to hit 113 degrees. In Dublin it is rainy and in the 60's....trying to figure out how to pack is proving to be highly anxiety provoking. Somehow I can't get my head around what to take. I've never had such difficulty before.....I think it is because I have such a long stay ahead of me. Not returning to US until August 15th. I'm going to try considering it is a week long trip, clotheswize and see if that helps. I can always go to the cleaners and laundry, right?
I have been preparing for this trip for months. It is amazing how many things end up having to be handled the last week. My list is dwindling but still long. Everytime I face my suitcase and "to-do" list I want to either take a nap or go least I'm not overeating! At least not yet.
OK back to the packing. Black and White color scheme with colorful accents. Just start Judy!!

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Friday, June 3, 2011

San Diego

I so love San Diego. I'm here with my family to celebrate and attend my grandson Michael's high school graduation. Last night we attended a presentation at his high school for those students who won scholarships. Our Michael got a scholarship from Boise State College where he will be attending. Later we, Dan, Onay, Michael, Katie and G'ma went to BeniHana for dinner and to celebrate Michael's graduation and the huge promotion my Daniel just got. we had so much fun, and shared our table with a very nice family celebrating their daughter's birthday.
Yesterday I also took my granddaughter Katie to lunch at Jakes on the beach at Del Mar. She has grown to be such a great young woman. She has just finished her Junior year at Sonoma State University, majoring in Political Science. We had a wonderful conversation about her activities and I am thrilled that she has chosen to embrace my politics.....registered Democrat!! She wants to find an internship with an elected politico....I'll help her all I can but my contacts are a bit out of date. I have no doubt however, that Katie will do just fine with or without help from G'ma.
The weather has been beautiful....I so love this City and being able to be at the ocean and bay. I would love living in San Diego but haven't yet figured out how.....we'll see what the future brings. In the meantime, I am just enjoying my family and being in this lovely City. Pictures soon.