Friday, July 6, 2012

Couch Surfing my way through the Summer

I am now settled in at Marianne's place in Federal Way, WA. and filled with gratitude that I have such wonderful friends and family that welcome me so graciously. 

On the way to Washington I had the pleasure of 2 nights in Carson City, Nevada with my niece Tracy and her dear husband Ed.  They wined and dined me and their guest room was uber comfortable. 

In Astoria, Oregon I spent 2 nights with my old friend John at his beautiful home on the hill overlooking the Columbia River.  John cooked for me and made me feel like a favored member of the family.  His home is so gorgeous and comfortable.  He told me the bedroom is now "Jude's Room". 

Then I arrived at Marianne's in Federal Way and am here for the remainder of July.  It feels like home and has everything a person could want.  This morning I did my workout in the gym.  The pool and hot tub are there when I want them.  Marianne cooks dinner for me, I have my own room and bath and the joy of her good humor and the fun of her little Yorkie, Oliver. 

Tonight I am invited to a gathering of the "Women of Housing" who I worked with for nearly 20 years here in Washington.  We are "whining" and dining and I am sleeping over so I can fully imbibe. 

What a blessed woman I am to have so many wonderful friends who make me welcome.  I hope to return their hospitality by encouraging visits to Arizona when the Northwest winter has become to long and too gray to stay. 

Sunbreaks are always available at Jude's house.